
General News

13 December, 2023

A trip to the dairy

YOUNG students from Warrnambool West Primary School were given a taste of dairy farming during a visit to a local farm last Friday

By Staff Writer

Ryan Theobald-Daly was keen to try his hands at ‘milking’.
Ryan Theobald-Daly was keen to try his hands at ‘milking’.

The foundation, year one, two and three students enjoyed a fun, hands-on experience during their trip to Oonagh and Harper Kilpatrick’s dairy property.

An early morning visit gave the students an opportunity to see cows being milked on a rotary dairy and then to see how the milk was collected by a tanker each day.

The children then rotated through six different activities, provided by local businesses and agencies.

This included tasting delicious yoghurt, cheese and milk from Bega cheese; learning about the different foods cows eat and how they digest it; the careers and finance involved in the dairy industry; a simulation of delivering a baby calf; ear-tagging a cow and a run through of fun facts about cows.

The farm visit formed part of their inquiry into healthy food and where it comes from this term.

The school is incredibly grateful to the Kilpatrick team for arranging such a wonderful experience for its students and also thanks volunteers Debbi Twiss and Samantha Andrews from WESTVIC, farm business consultant John Kane, Shaun Kissick from Bega Cheese, Josh from McColl’s Transport, as well as Rebecca Tolman and staff from South-West TAFE.

Afterwards, the students were bursting with stories to tell about their experience, having learnt so much about the importance of the dairy industry and how significant it is to the local community.


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