31 January, 2025
Book sale a huge success
BOOKS of all sorts were almost “flying out” the door at last weekend’s giant book sale in Warrnambool.

The annual Rotary Club of Warrnambool second-hand book sale once again attracted a great deal of interest among book enthusiasts of all ages.
Having moved hundreds of books to a new location in Fairy Street for the event, Rotarians were thrilled with the number of people who attended last weekend’s sale.
“The crowd was absolutely phenomenal and we are thrilled with how well the sale went,” Warrnambool Rotarian and organiser of the book sale, Anne Adams said.
“We could not have asked for more; we sold plenty of books, we had lots of positive feedback and it was lovely to see so many return customers.
“We’re extremely grateful to Norm McCullagh for allowing us use of this beautiful building – which actually was once a book shop so that’s something special as well.”
The annual book sale has been a huge success over the past “four or five years” according to Ms Adams.
“It’s a great way for our club (Rotary) to raise some much needed funds which are then distributed to worthy projects.”
Funds raised at last weekend’s event will go towards a memorial tree in the Warrnambool Cemetery for babies lost prior to 20 weeks gestation.
“This project has been an ongoing one for us and we’re looking forward to it coming to fruition in the very near future.
“It (the memorial tree) will no doubt become a very special place for many in our community.”
The book sale was also well supported by the Warrnambool Library.