3 August, 2023
Car club helps young drivers
A CLUB of motoring enthusiasts has made a generous donation to support disadvantaged youth who are learning to drive safely.

Members of the Western Victorian Holden Car Club raised $2000 in support of young drivers who benefit from the services of the Corangamite L2P program.
The program gives drivers aged 16-21, who do not have access to a supervised driver or roadworthy vehicle, the opportunity to get behind the wheel with an experienced mentor in a reliable, safe vehicle.
Western Victorian Holden Car Club vice president Ken Plummer said the funds were raised earlier this year at the club’s 11th annual Show ‘N Shine event in Warrnambool.
Gold coin donations contributed around $1500, but club members chipped in to round up the total.
“The L2P program is a great asset to the area and we also have a member who was an L2P mentor at one stage; they’re volunteers, so it’s a great cause for us to support,” Mr Plummer said.
“The club members wanted to boost the funds raised up to $2000 to help with some of the costs involved, so we were more than happy to help out.”
The L2P program has been supported through TAC funding but is reliant on support from volunteer mentors and philanthropic support alike.