
General News

23 January, 2024

February gardening

WITH the days and weeks ticking by, now is the time to start thinking about what to do in your garden in February.

By Staff Writer

February gardening - feature photo

Dig garden beds and fertilise in preparation for planting spring-flowering bulbs in the next few months.

Keep summer colour coming from impatients and petunas with regular doses of liquid fertiliser and, later this month, pansies will start appearing in nurseries and can keep your display humming through autumn and into winter.

Keep the water up to your tomatoes, especially those in dry areas, to encourage growth and protect against blossom-end rot (where the bottoms of tomatoes begin to rot).

This is also the perfect time to clear out your gutters and get rid of any rubbish lying around your gardens, especially in country areas, to protect against bushfire.

Lightly prune and fertilise repeat-flowering roses to encourage autumn flowering.


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