30 August, 2024
Friends unite for art exhibition
SIX former Warrnambool residents will reunite for a special art exhibition at The Lighthouse Theatre from next week.

From next Friday, September 6 through until Monday, September 30, artworks from six women will be displayed at the theatre as part of the ‘Lighthouse Women Present: Random Wilde Spring’ exhibition.
One of the exhibiting artists, Annie Keil-Taggart (who currently lives in Camperdown) said the exhibition was about a group of women who had originally set up studios in Warrnambool.
“We had a lot of exhibitions in Warrnambool over the years,” Ms Keil-Taggart said.
“We did a touring exhibition (The Cutting Edge), and a woman from the Women’s Gallery in Melbourne put us into a book that she created about the women’s gallery and the importance of it.
“It was in the late 80s – that was how long ago we worked together. Recently, I’ve reached out to that same group of women and the result is this current exhibition.
“It’s called Lighthouse Women Presents because I used to live opposite the lighthouse near the maritime museum and, originally, we all got together for lunches and talked about having an exhibition space.”
Ms Keil-Taggart said the exhibition was about creativity and opening up in a seasonal, cyclic way.
“It’s lovely to have the six of us together although one member, Noela Stratford, will be attending but not exhibiting,” she said.
“The group also includes Marie Cook who’s been the head of the TAFE weaving department for a long time; Kathryn McKinnon, who’s still nursing in Warrnambool and painting, and Jenny Powell, who was an original painter from Warrnambool.
“Jenny will be coming from Creswick and bringing her pieces for the exhibition; Sally Barua is a new member to our group, she now lives out at Creswick, and Barb Fulton has exhibited quite a lot in Warrnambool.”
The opening night of the exhibition will be held from 6.30pm next Friday, September 6.