12 May, 2023
Funding boost for local projects
THE Federal Government will provide an additional $1.567 million to Moyne Shire Council as part of an expanded Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program.

Moyne mayor Karen Foster said the funding was the fourth round of the program, which has helped Moyne complete a range of important community infrastructure upgrades.
She said councillors would meet this week to discuss which projects to allocate the additional funding to.
“We thank the federal government for this additional funding, which takes our total allocation under phase four to $4.28 million,” Cr Foster said.
“It’s fantastic to have financial support through this program which has helped us complete road upgrades as well as major community projects across the shire.
“This has included the Irvine Reserve in Peterborough, footpath and parking upgrades as part of the Koroit township renewal, through to lighting at the Mortlake Recreation Reserve and the restoration of the Port Fairy Railway Goods Shed.”
Cr Foster said council was not exempt from the financial pressures being faced across the country, so any additional funding it could use to complete important projects to make communities “better places to be” was welcomed.
Cr Foster said the community would be informed of what the funding had been allocated to in the coming weeks.