

23 June, 2023

Funding boost for volunteers

WARRNAMBOOL and District Community Hospice has received a much-welcomed funding boost from the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal (FRRR).

The FRRR earlier this week announced it had allocated more than $430,000 in grants to boost 44 projects in remote, regional and rural Victoria. In total 44 local groups will receive funding for projects that support COVID-19 recovery, disaster resilience and recovery, and small yet vital community needs. In total 131 initiatives across Australia are sharing in more than $1.3 million in grants. 

Locally, the Warrnambool and District Community Hospice Inc. has been allocated $5,000 to sustain the work of volunteers through the development of a volunteer education and engagement program. 

The grants are awarded through the FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program, via one of three streams of funding – small and vital, prepare and recover, or the rebuilding regional communities. 

Collaboratively funded by donors, ranging from private individuals to larger foundations, the SRC program supports a diverse range of initiatives across remote, rural and regional Australia. 

While each of the 131 awarded projects meets a unique local need, all funded initiatives have one thing in common – they each have a clear and direct benefit to the community and to those who live locally. 

Jill Karena, Place Portfolio Lead at FRRR, said it was truly inspiring to see the determination and resilience of community groups and local leaders who continue to front up and strive for a stronger, and sustainable, rural Australia. 

“In this round of SRC grants, we’ve seen a shift in project focus, with a significant increase in initiatives that address the wellbeing and sustainability of community organisations,” Ms Karena said. 

“The majority of these grants are for practical, infrastructure-related projects that will enable local groups in rural places to continue to provide vital services, and ensure community spaces are safe, secure and welcoming. 

“These grants may be relatively small but they can make a significant difference to a rural community. That’s why the focus of our end of year fundraising campaign is on small grants and all donations are gratefully received no matter how small as this program is needed more than ever.” 

Warrnambool and District Community Hospice received its grant through the Rebuilding Regional Communities (supporting COVID-19 recovery) section. 

Funded by the Australian Government, the RRC stream supports remote, rural and regional communities as they continue their COVID-10- recovery journey. 

This round, grants of up to $10,000 were on offer, with $332,903 awarded to 43 local organisations.


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