25 January, 2024
Get on your bike
CYCLING enthusiasts looking for their new challenge – and the opportunity to raise funds for a great cause – are encouraged to register now for this year’s ‘Murray to Moyne’ cycle relay.

The event, to be held on Saturday, April 6 and Sunday, April 7, will see teams of between five and 30 riders raise funds for their own health related charity such as Cancer Council, the Leukemia Foundation, Beyond Blue or local health services such as those in Warrnambool and Port Fairy.
Now in its 37th year, the Murray to Moyne is a 24-hour cycle relay that covers around 520 kilometres from the Murray River to the Moyne River in Port Fairy.
Stage one will start from Mildura or Echuca, stage two will involve a night ride from dusk to Hamilton under lights, and stage three will start at 7am and take riders from Hamilton to Port Fairy.
Teams chose their own names and raise funds for their chosen cause, holding fundraising events throughout the year, culminating in the cycle relay.
The ride is the brainchild of Graham ‘Woody’ Woodrup who, from the very first ride in 1987, saw potential in the event becoming an annual one – throwing out the challenge to everyone he met to get on a bike and have a go.
He also inspired many to be generous with their talents and help others whenever possible.
The Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay is a memorial to a man many regarded as a ‘marathon man of Australian cycling’ and honours his commitment to raising funds for hospitals and health services.
The event continues to raise more than $550,000 each year to support various hospitals and health-related organisations across Victoria and New South Wales.
It also continues to attract more than 400 cyclists and support crew for the 24-hour event.
Anyone wishing to join this year’s ride is urged to email