16 September, 2023
Grants open for carbon offset program
MOYNE Shire Council will again partner with community groups and private landowners to offset carbon emissions from its fleet.
The annual community carbon offset program is now open for applications, with grants of up to $1500 available for revegetation works on public land and grants between $1500 and $5000 for projects on privately owned land within the shire.
Mayor Cr Karen Foster said the program was established in 2010.
“After a climate emergency was declared in Moyne, the program was expanded to include the private land component,” she said.
“It’s a really successful program and is a win-win. It means a large portion of the emissions from council’s operations are offset and it works towards improving the region’s bio-diversity.”
Cr Foster said the program would allow for more than 13,000 trees to be planted across the shire.
“This program is a key element of our climate emergency response and has resulted in thousands of trees being planted around the shire since it began,” she said.
“Many of those plantings have formed green corridors across private land to ensure new habitat for birds and other wildlife.
“I’d encourage any community groups or landowners interested to put in an application.”
Cr Foster said funding criteria and applications forms could be found online at and then clicking on the community carbon offset program section.
Information is also available at council’s customer service centres at Mortlake and Port Fairy.
Applications close on Friday, October 6.