

6 August, 2023

Grease is the word

GREASE is the word at Warrnambool College.

By Staff Writer

Warrnambool College students are keen to take Grease to the stage at Warrnambool’s Lighthouse Theatre this month.
Warrnambool College students are keen to take Grease to the stage at Warrnambool’s Lighthouse Theatre this month.

On a cold winters’ afternoon, the open door of the Warrnambool College auditorium has radiated warmth from the energy generated by more than 50 students bringing GREASE the musical to life. 

Less than a month out from taking the stage at the Lighthouse Theatre the cast, band, crew and army of volunteers have been rehearsing weekly.

Warrnambool College proudly boasts the only school musical which showcases its own student musicians who will expertly provide the live soundtrack. 

Including a full rhythm section and full complement of brass instruments, the iconic songs such as ‘You’re the One that I Want’, ‘Grease is the Word’ and ‘Hopelessly Devoted’ will have the audience singing in their seats. 

GREASE marks the 5th musical delivered by the dynamic director/producer duo of Kerry Ziegeler and Kerry Cheeseman who again bring with them the talented Erin Toulmin as musical director, local legend Gabby Steel as vocal director and local musicians Beau Nieuwveld and Jillian Gundermann. 

Initially only two shows were on offer, however demand has seen the addition of a third. 

Local primary students will also experience this musical classic through two school matinees. 

Get ready to dust off your leather jackets, pull on your bobby-socks and join this sensational cast and live band as “bad boy” Danny and “the girl next door” Sandy fall in love all over again. 

Tickets for the three shows – to be held on August 17, 18 and 19 - are on sale now and selling fast at Lighthouse Theatre.


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