16 August, 2024
Groups to share in over $285,000
ALMOST 50 local events, community clubs and organisations will benefit from over $285,000 in Warrnambool City Council funding.

At its August meeting, council voted unanimously to allocate $194,592 to 25 events via the Festivals and Events Grants and Partnerships Program, in addition to $90,792 to 22 clubs and organisations via the Community Development Fund.
“To be able to inject almost $300,000 directly into the community is something we are really excited to be able to do as a council,” Warrnambool mayor Cr Ben Blain said.
“The Community Development Fund as well as the Events Grants are a really good reminder of just how many different groups we have in our city that do so much for our community.
“There’s such a diverse range of applications that we are really proud to be able to support.”
The Community Development Fund has been running since 1999, and for some clubs, it’s one of their major funding opportunities that helps them to continue to grow and thrive.
“And with the Events Grants, we know how tough things have been with costs going up in recent years for event organisers, and that’s why the funding that each community event could apply for was increased from $5000 to $10,000 this year,” Cr Blain said.
“At the meeting, council also voted to rollover $105,000 in un-allocated funding from the Community Development Fund to a future Community Development Fund round, which is important as this money was set aside for projects run by the community, and I’m already looking forward to seeing what the benefits will be.”
Council’s Community Development Fund aims to support the development and capacity of Warrnambool clubs and associations.
Funding is available for projects, equipment and activities which meet the grant program eligibility and criteria and contribute to participation, club capacity and sustainability and the liveability of the city.
Categories include sport and recreation, arts and culture as well as environment and sustainability.
The Festivals and Events Grants and Partnerships Program seeks to support events which contribute to the local economy and build the profile of Warrnambool as a vibrant regional city, in line with the goals of the Warrnambool Events Strategy.
Some of the successful applications included:
Warrnambool and District Artists Society – Brush ‘n Blossom Spring Art Festival, $4,990.
Warrnambool Multiple Sclerosis Support Group – Empowering women with MS in Warrnambool, $5,000.
Community Radio Endeavour Warrnambool – upgrade of essential equipment, $5,000.
Warrnambool and District Football Umpires Association – indigenous designed umpire uniforms, $4,500.
Comic Creations - $5,000.
Warrnambool City Band – purchase of percussion instruments, $5,000.
Warrnambool and District Historical Society – Standards for All, $5,000.
Beach Patrol Australia Inc. – monthly community beach cleans, $4,976.
Warrnambool Coast Care Landcare Network – removal of invasive weed species, $1,155.
Warrnambool Bridge Club – safety lighting for members, $1,909.
Rotary Club of Warrnambool Daybreak – evolving blister-pack recycling scheme, $4,950.
West Coast Bodyboard Club – club participation drive, $4,445.
Warrnambool Little Athletics – update of essential equipment, $5,000.
Warrnambool City Croquet Club – Croquet 5s Fun for Everyone, $5,000.
Dennington Bowling Club – access bowls for all abilities and people, $4,128.
Warrnambool Wolves Football Club – strategic plan, $5,000.
Warrnambool Rifle Club – Anzac Day shoot, $5,000.
Warrnambool Yacht Club – sun protection for rescue boat crew, $428.
Action Squash Club – purchase of new multi-use furniture, $4,943.
Warrnambool Swimming Club – performance mindset workshops, $880.
Southwest Strength Sports – purchase of recovery equipment, $4,992.
Nestles Rowing Club – oars for all, $3,496.