General News
19 April, 2024
Innovators shape their community
IN partnership with Moyne Shire and led by Crazy Ideas College, the ‘Moyne Social Innovators’ program continues to build momentum and impact as the program enters its fourth year.

Social Innovators (SI) will see young people from St Patrick’s Parish Primary and Port Fairy Consolidated School step up to complete the program in 2024, with a strong focus on ideas being brought to life in the local community.
The SI program equips young people with the skills and confidence to invent services, programs and products that enrich the lives of their fellow citizens.
The year six students came together this week at Southcombe Lodge in Port Fairy to complete the program.
Across the two days, the young people discovered new insights around issues they care about, generated ‘crazy good’ ideas, prototyped how these ideas can work in community and presented compelling pitches that inspire action to a panel of community partners on Wednesday afternoon.
Mayor Cr Ian Smith said the program incorporated human-centred design, future thinking and innovation methodologies.
“We can’t wait to see the creative thinking from these students about how we tackle our big challenges in new and radical ways,” Cr Smith said.
“We’re grateful to the Crazy Ideas College for running the Moyne Social Innovators program to help unlock the big ideas that will transform the future.”
Kieran Murrihy of the Crazy Ideas College believes we all benefit when we unlock the ingenuity, resourcefulness and optimism of young people.
“That is why when young people participate in CIC programs they learn the methodologies, tools and mindsets that will enable them to build healthy and prosperous futures for themselves and their communities,” Mr Murrihy said.