2 December, 2023
JP hours extend to meet demand
DUE to an increase in demand from the community, the justice of the peace (JP) ‘sign-in centre’ at Warrnambool police station has extended its hours.

For well over two decades, the sign-in centre has provided a free JP service to Warrnambool and district residents.
The service, manned by a team of dedicated volunteers, helps to alleviate the pressures and demands of the service placed on other providers such as police officers and pharmacists.
“By running this sign-in centre at the police station we are helping to ease the workload off others in the district, which then frees them up to do their primary roles,” JP and volunteer at the centre, Bernie Reid said.
“We have been offering this service each weekday between 12noon and 2pm but we’ve found there is also high demand for an after-hours service.”
In order to meet the demand, the sign-in centre will now be open between 4.30pm and 6.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday.
At the centre, a JP will be on hand to certify a true copy of an original document or witness an affidavit for use in court, a Power of Attorney, statutory declaration or a medical treatment decision maker form.
“JPs provide a vital community service and we all take great pride in being able to help people in our community and to do so at no cost,” Mr Reid said.
“People don’t need to make an appointment they can just pop in and see us at the police station anytime we’re open. It’s a case of first in first served so there may be a wait but that’s not usually very long.”