26 April, 2024
Large crowds again expected
CLOSE to 30,000 racegoers are expected to flock to Warrnambool over the three days of the 2024 May Racing Carnival.

With more than 12,500 expected on Thursday alone, the highly-anticipated event again looks set to boost the local economy.
Based on previous year’s figures, the Warrnambool Racing Club anticipates in excess of 5,500 patrons will enjoy ‘package experiences’ across the three days – which amounts to more than 30,000 food items served.
This doesn’t include the volume of food sold through on-course vendors; and drinks will also flow throughout the carnival, with patrons eager to enjoy their day/s out.
“The track is going well, with consistent grass coverage across the course, including in the paddocks,” a racing club spokesperson said last week.
“Representatives from Racing Victoria recently visited to conduct an annual site inspection and we’re thrilled with the positive results we received from the review.
“The rail will be in the true position and racegoers again look set to enjoy an amazing carnival.”