
General News

23 December, 2023

Lions prepare for art show

WHILE many Lions clubs enjoy a break from meetings and planned activities during the Christmas-New Year period, for the Port Fairy-Belfast Lions Club it is one of their busiest periods.

By Staff Writer

Members are busy preparing for their 38th annual art show to be held from December 27 to January 6.

This will feature more than 150 entries.

Members are also planning their busy January schedule and their featured Market Day crayfish spinning wheels and now renown devonshire teas.

The club is also providing a $500 grant to each of their local schools, with Lions Club representatives attending the end-of-year presentation nights at both schools when grade six pupils will be recognised for their effort and farewelled with good wishes for their journey into high school.

The club is again preparing Christmas gift boxes for those residents at Moyneyana and Belfast House who have no family or other contact for Christmas.

This year 18 boxes will be presented.

January will also feature the club’s Australia Day breakfast and the presentation of its James O’Neill Award to one of the community’s unsung heroes in community service selected from nominations made to the club.

During the latter part of January, the annual barbecue with the Rotary Club will be conducted where any Lion or Rotarian visitors to Port Fairy are always welcome.

And of course, while all this is happening the club will continue to respond to any community need where possible through the Lion Assist and disaster response programs.


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