General News
9 August, 2024
Olympic spirit shines out West
THE Olympic spirit was well and truly alive at Warrnambool West Primary School last week.

Students and staff were allocated an Olympic country to dress up in for the day – with Spain, South Africa, Australia, France, USA, Philippines, Greece and Italy all represented.
After an opening ceremony, which included flag making, face painting and torch bearers, ‘Monarch Monk’ (principal Clare Monk) officially opened the games.
Each country completed a lap of honour before students participated in a variety of events.
This included horse riding (an obstacle course on hobby horses), swimming (shower cap, wetsuit and pool noodle across blue tarps), Eiffel Tower making (spaghetti and marshmallows), table tennis, water waiters (balancing cups of water on trays to fill a bucket) and gymnastics (course of rolls, climbing, tunnels and balancing).
Gold, silver and bronze medals were awarded for each class level – with the United States taking out the day.