26 April, 2024
Palliative care volunteers needed
SUPPORTING patients with a life-limiting illness or disease can be an extremely rewarding experience.

South West Healthcare is offering palliative care training to volunteers of any age to help patients through their last stages of life.
Executive director for nursing and midwifery, Sue Anderton, said volunteers were so important to any organisation and this was especially so at South West Healthcare.
“Our volunteers assist across a number of areas including administration assistance, wards, palliative care and allied health departments,” Ms Anderton said.
“We’re grateful for everything they do and are looking forward to providing training to those interested in the palliative care area.”
Commencing on Wednesday, May 15, South West Healthcare is looking to train community members interested in the opportunity to volunteer and support patients in the local area with a life limiting illness or disease.
Volunteer coordinator Julie Evans said the sessions would run every Wednesday for five weeks, with attendees completing the course on June 12.
“We’re seeking to boost our volunteer numbers and through the training hope to develop our skilled volunteer base particularly in the palliative care unit,” Ms Evans said.
Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer is asked to contact Ms Evans on 5563 1459.