19 April, 2024
Playground safety a priority
MOYNE Shire Council has taken proactive steps to ensure the safety of its playground mulch.

Following reports of asbestos contaminated mulch at metropolitan playgrounds, mayor Cr Ian Smith said Moyne was already taking measures to ensure the mulch it uses is safe.
“We were very confident the mulch we use was compliant and safe for the community, but we wanted to double check and make sure,” Cr Smith said.
“As soon as the reports started coming in, our teams went to work to ensure all mulch in our playgrounds was in line with certified standards - and just as we thought all mulch supplied for playgrounds meets those standards.”
Cr Smith said the vast majority of mulch used in Moyne’s parks and gardens was produced from vegetation works council teams carry out.
“So there are no concerns there either,” he added.
Cr Smith said council was now reviewing processes and procedures to ensure they are in line with the EPA’s latest directions around mulch supply and installation.