28 March, 2024
Tacoma pulls in to Port
IN what proved a fitting ‘welcome home’ on Tuesday afternoon, the MFV Tacoma pulled in to Port Fairy under blue skies and to rousing cheers from the large crowd that gathered on the wharf.

The MFV Tacoma (Australia’s first purpose-built purse seine fishing boat) was built by the Haldane family on the banks of the Moyne River between 1944 and 1951 and became a pioneer of the tuna fishing industry.
This week was the first time the Tacoma has returned to Port Fairy since its departure for Port Lincoln 72 years ago.
On board was 90 year-old Jack Belamy who crewed the boat on its journey to Port Lincoln as an 18 year-old.
Joining him on board was Ross Haldane who was just four years-old when the Tacoma left Port.
“The MFV Tacoma arrived to much fanfare which was very special and well deserved,” Port Fairy local Ashley King said.
“My father, Noppy King, was good friends with the three Haldane boys so the boat’s arrival held extra significance for me.
“It was wonderful to see so many people welcome the boat to Port Fairy on Tuesday.”
Measuring 84 foot long, the MFV Tacoma took five days to sail from Port Lincoln to Port Fairy – and could only enter and berth at high tide because of its size.
“I believe the trip over was pretty rough at times but it was smooth sailing into Port Fairy,” Mr King said.
“It really is a magnificent site and one I encourage everyone to come and have a look at this weekend.”
Port Fairy will host the Tacoma for the next three days, providing locals and visitors to the region the opportunity to enjoy a up-close look at this wonder of the seas.
The boat will be open to the public while in Port Fairy and a series of seafood cooking demonstrations by celebrity chef Tony Ford – along with talks about the history of the boat – are planned for the weekend.
Anyone wishing to go on board and take a look at the Tacoma can do so each afternoon from around 1pm at a cost of just $5 per adult (children free).
Ross Huldane will join other guest speakers to discuss the boats origins and its place in the history of the tuna fishing industry at 10am and 2pm on Saturday and Sunday.
An admission fee for these sessions apply, with funds going towards sailing costs and ongoing maintenance of the Tacoma.
An official civic welcome will be held this Saturday night when Moyne Shire mayor Cr Ian Smith will officially welcome Mayor of Port Lincoln Cr Diana Mislov and the crew of the Tacoma.
It is anticipated the MFV Tacoma will sail out at high tide on Easter Monday (weather permitting).