9 December, 2023
Twilight golf
ELI McLeod has taken out the men’s scratch event at East Framlingham golf course.
Eli finished the day on 35 to take out last Wednesday’s competition.
The men’s handicap was won by Anthony Eccles, 48-17-31, while the men’s scratch went to Brett Worral on 46.
The non-handicap event was won by James Norftgon, 51-18-33, and Jo Porter (47) won the ladies’ scratch.
Maria O’Rourke finished the day on 58-21.5-36.5 to win the ladies’ handicap, and Matt Jewell took out the longest drive.
Nearest the pins went to: 1st Riley Scanlon, 2nd Eli McLeod, 3rd George Beasley, 4th Elis McLeod, 5th Eli McLeod, 7th George Beasley, 8th Riley Scanlon and 9th Gerard Kenna.
The raffle winner was Riley Scanlon.