30 August, 2024
Vote for your favourite photo
WARRNAMBOOL Breastfeeding Centre’s inaugural photo competition and exhibition will run until this Sunday, September 1.

The exhibition, which opened at The Lighthouse Theatre on August 16, is titled ‘Breastfeeding in all its forms’ and features 20 photo entries from the community.
The exhibition aims to educate, normalise and encapsulate the breastfeeding journey.
The images highlight the varied and raw nature of breastfeeding while providing a platform for local artists to showcase their talents.
This year the Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre committee was looking for different ways to increase awareness, educate, and raise funds, and believed this competition ticked all the boxes.
“As a non-profit organisation that receives no annual funding, we hope this new fundraising element will be a fun way to shed light on breastfeeding while securing much-needed funds,” group member Barb Glare said.
“We are still running our annual online auction, but this is a nice booster.”
Voting is still open for the People’s Choice award, which will be announced online after the exhibition closes.
To vote simply head to the group’s website